
Sometimes when you develop a startup or run your own emerging business it is good to watch such kind of movies for self-motivation.

1. “The Founder

A movie about a beverage machine seller who seized the opportunity to create the most famous fast food chain in the world – McDonald’s?

2. “The Pursuit of Happyness”

Very sweet movie about pursuing your goal to the end and in spite of everything.

3. “Joy”

An ordinary housewife turns into a woman who becomes the founder of a business dynasty.

4. “The Greatest Showman”

A beautiful musical with a good cast. Having come to success, you should never forget about the origins.

5. “The Intern”

70 years old Ben becomes a senior intern at an online fashion store.

6. “Molly’s Game“

About how former athlete Molly got into the world of big money and tough men and founded her underground casino network.

7. “Jobs” 

Great movie about Steve Jobs and Apple

8. “The Social Network”

The film tells the cruel story of the creation of the most popular social network on the Internet – Facebook.

9. “Silicon Valley”

A comedy series about business in IT industry. The series is set as close as possible to the real Silicon Valley.

10. “Pirates of Silicon Valley”

It’s a movie about the Bill Gates and Steve Jobs story. They started out in garages and grew up to be the famous and rich computer geniuses.

11. “Self made”

An inspiring mini series on Netflix

Watch also: 10 best movies about sport

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