
Many people undeservedly consider Poland only as a transit country on their way to the Czech Republic or Germany. Or simply choose Warsaw as a weekend destination. Meanwhile, in Poland, there are so many beautiful and interesting places.

Food in Poland

Be prepared to put on a few kilos after this trip. The meals are oversized. And even with a bowl of soup, you can be full the whole day after. Divide one dish for two and you won’t be mistaken. If you are not a fan of everything flour and meat, then try to choose simple menu items. But you must try something from the list below:

Mushroom soup in bread
  • Mushroom soup in bread;
  • Cold soup;
  • Polish dumplings;
  • Stuffed cabbage;
  • Potato pancakes;
  • Sorcerers;
  • Mazurka;

Transport in Poland

If you are on a tour around Poland, then it is better to do it by car, so as not to miss the wooden tavern-motels on the road. But trains here are also very convenient for long distances. In cities, the taxi is pretty cheap. Take UBER.


Top 5 must-visit places in Poland

Malbork Castle.One of the largest castle structures in the world. In the Middle Ages was the base of the Teutonic Order.

Olsztyn is a tiny town with the most beautiful promenade. A place to relax on the weekend.

Warsaw. Walk around the city center and chill in one of the parks. Spend at least 2 days in a city. And don’t forget to prepare for the trip.

  • Listen to the dog waltz and read about the relationship between Chopin and the French writer J. Sand. In Warsaw, the name of the great composer Chopin will be mentioned a lot.
  • Learn more about Jewish ghettos from the Second World War.
  • Find the little mermaid.

Krakow. The city with a very beautiful historical center and garden ring. You can explore Krakow in 1 day. Be sure to go to the fortress, look at the picture of Da Vinci and find out more about the Pope from USSR.

Auschwitz. Museum in a former concentration camp located between Katowice and Krakow. One of the strongest historical monuments that I visited. A really creepy place. I think that everyone should at least once visit a museum in concentration camps. This makes it clear the terrible nature of the human soul and the cruelty of war.


Hotels in Poland

I still remember the charm of the motels in Poland. My favorite is the Hotel Fox. It is a giant wooden taverna with fireplaces and other attributes on the way from Warsaw to Katowice. So my advice if you’re in a car, don’t stop in the cities. Poland has the most atmospheric motels in the world! It will be very tasty, a lot and cheap to feed.

Don’t forget to subscribe to my instagram @july_choo! I write about unique locations, movies travelling, restaurants, and so on.

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