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How to become an Airbnb host?

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Rent an Airbnb
Become an Airbnb host

How to rent Airbnb?

Good news! If you rent an Airbnb apartment for the first time – you get a 30$ Airbnb discount. However, it will only work, if you follow the GUEST LINK for the registration.

  1. Follow the link.
  2. Complete the sign-in form.
  3. Confirm your email and telephone.
  4. Confirm your data (you will have to take a photo of your passport and make a selfie).
  5. Done.

Now you can book an apartment. To do so type the needed location and set the filters (quantity of people, price, rules, etc). Then you can choose an apartment (or house or a room) in the list and book it. To book some apartments you will need to wait for confirmation.

Airbnb discounts: apartment owners make good discounts for a week and a month booking. Therefore, it is worth playing with the dates. Sometimes an apartment for 7 nights is cheaper than for 6 nights.

Why rent Airbnb? – Usually, it’s much cheaper than the hotel price. Besides, you can cook and economize on food.

How to become an Airbnb host?

I have been an Airbnb host for more than a year and I’m very excited to share my experience.

  1. Firstly you need to sign up at Airbnb as a host. (after registration you will be able to switch profiles guest/host).
  2. Complete your post profile (fill all the information about your apartment/room), add a picture and establish your hosting rules. For example, mine was – no parties.
  3. Choose the available dates. For example, I hosted an apartment for the period of my travels. And I blocked the dates when I was at home. And also I established higher prices for the summer and lower for the winter.
  4. When someone wants to book your place you will have a notification and then you can confirm or deny a request.

How you get money with Airbnb?

  • When a guest books an apartment, he immediately pays for it.
  • The host gets this money only when this guest arrives at the apartment. It’s done for safety reasons.
Advantages and disadvantages of being Airbnb host:


  • If you have a free room in the apartment, then you can make good money on this.
  • By renting an apartment on Airbnb you can earn much more by raising prices on holidays.
  • On the dates you need, the apartment will always be yours, just block the dates.


  • After each guest, you need to do the cleaning.
  • If something breaks smth in the house, it will be very difficult to get compensation.
  • You cannot relax. You have to meet each guest for the check-in and check out contact them, answer questions.

Ready to start? – then press HERE

Don’t forget to subscribe to my instagram @july_choo! I write about unique locations, movies travelling, restaurants, and so on.


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