Categories: Latvia

Why you have to go to Liepaja this summer?

Among the tourists, Latvia is mostly known by Riga as the capital and Jurmala as the main beach resort. However, there are many places, that are deserved to be visited. And today I will tell you about another beach resort and a very stylish city – Liepaja.

First of all, do not Liepaja to be similar to Jurmala. These two resorts are completely different from each other. If Jurmala is about hotels, restaurants and beauty salons. In Liepaja, all these spa elements hid behind the provincial serenity. Liepaja is an ideal uninhabited city for a quiet weekend and “chill” in nice cafes”.

Advice for your weekend in Liepaja.

  1. Get ready for the trip in advance. Our friends barely booked the last room in the whole city 4 days before the planned trip. And this room cost 120 euros per night! The fact is that there are very few hotels in Liepaja, so hurry up!
  2. Stock up on mosquito repellent. Huge, fearless and arrogant – they will attack you from dusk, and there is no mercy from them.
  3. See the events’ calendar. In the summer, some festivals or concerts take place almost every week in Liepaja. Maybe you will find something interesting.
  4. Plan your dinner in advance. Especially if you live in a European way, and the last meal happens at a later time. In Liepaja, all restaurants and cafes close early. By the word “all”, I mean “all.” We tried to have dinner after 22:00 for two days, and after phoning the main places from TripAdvisor, we stayed with fast food.

Interesting things in Liepaja

This paragraph will focus on creative solutions in the city.

  • Bicycle parking has the shape of BIKES. It not only looks interesting but also convenient;
  • On the asphalt of the pedestrian roads, notes are depicted every few meters;
  • In the center, there is an “alley of stars” with handprints of Latvian celebrities.
  • The access to the beach is decorated with bright signs with inscriptions in English: “what happens on the beach – stays on the beach”, and the like.
  • Letters on the beach. The most important photo spot in the city. Do not miss.
  • Walking around the city, reach the port. It is very romantic there: old brick houses, iron chains, a promenade.

Restaurants in Liepaja

Libava Hotel
  • RED SUN BUFFET BEACH BAR. Cafe right on the beach with a wonderful view. You should come here for morning coffee and a delicious breakfast.
  • Boulangerie. Confectionery in the old town with tables on the roof. Here, delicious coffee, desserts and huge pasta.
  • Libava Hotel with a restaurant with a terrace by the river. Here for the views and silence.
  • Vejs cafe. Here for a delicious coffee.
  • Valhalla Wine & Coffee – Restaurant-garden as if appeared on the ruins of a destroyed wooden house. The walls and windows remained intact, the windowsills of which are decorated with various toys and other household items.

Hotels in Liepaja

Our friends could not find a hotel cheaper than 200 euros/night. And we stayed in an apartment with Airbnb for 25 euros/night!

Don’t forget to subscribe to my instagram @july_choo! I write about unique locations, movies travelling, restaurants, and so on.


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